What is love? - Orange is the New Black scene
In its heyday, there was no show better at making viewers simultaneously laugh and weep than Jenji Kohan’s groundbreaking ensemble dramedy. The guffaw-tears are legion in this season-two episode, which, safe to say, is the queerest Valentine’s Day episode of television ever made, between Nicky and Big Boo’s competition to see who can bed the most women in Litchfield and Poussey’s heartbreaking flashbacks to her doomed love affair with a German general’s daughter. It’s also a compelling argument for the idea that the greatest love is platonic, whether it’s Flaca and Maritza baring their souls over a tray of misshapen heart-shaped cookies or Pennsatucky and Healy, brooding over separate heartbreaks, embracing each other in the dark of the prison yard. But the heart of the episode (sorry) is a series of talking heads, sprinkled throughout, in which a rogue’s gallery of inmates answer the question: “What is love to you?” I’ll let the ladies speak for themselves:
Suzanne: “All that weird stuff. Whatever’s wrong or bad or hiding in you. Suddenly it’s alright. You don’t feel like such a freak anymore.”
Aleida: “24/7, deep-dick, can’t-walk-right fucking.”
Sophia: “Pain. Horrible pain. That you want again and again.”
Flaca: “It’s like getting into a bath, but the water is like warm chocolate pudding. And the Smiths are playing ‘There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.’ Oh, there’s warm lighting all over, and there’s, like, five dudes massaging you.”
Maritza: “And you have a pizza.”
Flaca: “She’s right. And you also have a pizza.” [Jenna Scherer]