Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed.
Meredith Hobbs Coons
(she/her) writes freelance-style for AV Club, Tape Op, etc. / co-hosts & edits Wilco Will Love You Podcast

Thank you for adding this to the discourse! I appreciate your rich observations. An interactive comments section is my very favorite thing. Read more

I’m really happy with it, too. I actually came pretty close to giving the first episode back this season and the one that aired just before “Disgruntled” A grades. Wasn’t grading individual episodes of Curb before that, so it’s hard to say, but the Spite Store season as a whole probably would have gotten an A from me. Read more

Eh, things are subjective. I’ve rated the previous episodes this season higher. But since you’re asking... https://www.avclub.com/i-think-you-should-leave-season-3-review-tv-netflix-1850320801 Read more

Right?! Maybe next season. Seems like it’s set up to keep going, which is good news for folks who rated this season an A-. Read more

Hey, I said *a* career high, not *the* career high. I would never overlook the great Forgetting Sarah Marshall, one of my all-time favorite movies. Read more

Pretty much! Though they do fictionalize a fair bit, which angers some people. The important stuff, like that press conference, does seem to get pretty faithfully rendered, though. Read more

Indulge me an earnest response as a fan and writer of recaps? (Earnest in a comments section? I know...) I read recaps after I’ve watched to see if anyone caught anything that I didn’t and because recappers tend add some flair to their thoughtful analysis, which I tend to appreciate. Even if I disagree with the Read more

Yes, Westhead did keep Rambis to spite West, both in the show and in real life. (Pretty wild!) Not as sure about the punching, would have to re-watch. Read more

Oh, oops! Molly Gordon’s character, turns out, is NOT fictional, but very real and powerful. Her name was Linda Zafrani here, but now she’s Linda Rambis (married to Kurt Rambis). Sorry, Linda Rambis! I’m sure you’re cool. Read more

I hear you! It’s not as heartbreaking as all that this time, though they do continue to address the realities of climate change in this. Pace yourself. It’s lovely and more hopeful than you’d think after the rawness of season one. Read more