There’s nothing scarier than childhood. Look no further than the movies (or your very own memory palace) for proof. With the upcoming release of Abigail and the recent child-adjacent scares from The First Omen and Imaginary, horror movies aren’t taking a break from ruining a few childhoods. It’s easy to see why. By weaponizing society’s most vulnerable, movies like Night Of The Living Dead and The Brood can prey upon audiences’ expectations, challenge their sympathies, and make the dreary world on screen that much colder.
That worldview comes across in horror’s most miserable little children. Just like How Regan’s possession unlocked a Pandora’s Box of parental fears, these pint-sized terrors aren’t just perpetrators but victims too. Even if they survive the movie, their life is pretty much ruined. Well, except for Damien. Let’s have a look back at some of horror’s most miserable children, what makes their lives so horrible, and the pain they bring their poor parents.