Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed.
William Hughes
Writer on The A.V. Club's Newswire desk since 2014, covering stories ranging from TV, to film, to games, to that time the Harry Potter lady said wizards used to poop on the floor, like dogs.

Totally understandable. But, I’d highly recommend giving the Far Harbor DLC a go sometime. It’s fantastic. One of the side quests is one of my absolute favorite things Bethesda has done. (For those who’ve played it, yes, I am OF COURSE talking about the quest at the hotel, which is all I’ll say so as not to spoil for Read more

“I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream’ was made into a pretty good point-and-click puzzle video game in the 90s. Ellison worked on it and voiced AM. Read more

I had it happen in my game and the usual symptoms didn’t even show up. I was checking eyes on a regular basis for the red/pulsing, I was watching dialogue, checking for the head gripping pain. Nothing. Just rested at an inn and boom Vernworth was no more. Read more

(In a clever touch, the party members all start these fights with their rage-based Limit gauges filled after seeing Aerith cut down, except for Cloud, who believes that she’s been saved.) Read more

Invincible, the 2006 Mark Wahlberg movie about the real-life NFL player Vince Papale, a 30-year-old substitute teacher and part-time bartender who earned a spot on the Philadelphia Eagles at a 1976 public tryout after not having played organized football since high school, I imagine. Read more

I suppose the writing was on the wall when the demo revealed that Square was like “you walk past a piano, once, during a flashback sequence? Put in a full piano simulator”. Read more

I only know The Roottrees Are Dead existed because of an AV Club write-up a few weeks back, but boy, am I glad I do. Return of the Obra Dinn was such a flabbergasting achievement (a wholly ORIGINAL gaming experience? After four DECADES of me being a gamer!?) that I’d assumed it was a singular phenomenon. I’m so happy Read more

Now can we please get a proper goddam wrap up of Frisky Dingo? Read more

How dare you end this review with the word “truck” and not “truck (truck, truck, truck)“! Read more

Hiddleston’s “Don’t set the multiplier down because it WILL roll off...” had all the barely-concealed exhaustion of a parent who REALLY wants to yell at his kid, but he’s in public in front of other parents and can only half smile as he whisper-screams at the kid who keeps making the same mistake. Perfection.
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I have been having a blast with F-Zero 99. (For reference, I played but never got into the original SNES game, but I adored F-Zero X for the N64. Never played any other version.) Read more

BRING BACK MARIO 35, YOU COWARDS!!!  Or at least make an SMB3 version. Read more

My game! All those times your non-fighters punched a Swarm of Rats to death, they finally get their revenge. Read more

I’m still sticking with Meet Your Maker, possibly due to some kind of sunk cost fallacy. I scraped together enough of the Orange currency to actually get a bigger space upon which to build my killbox. It’s starting to build up enough kills to be somewhat self-sustaining, presuming I don’t blow my budget on other Read more

Yeah, I think one of the weird elements of their relationship is that it’s transactional but they both feel emotionally safe knowing that. So the transactions blend with affection Read more

“We can get an off-the-shelf funeral.....Reagan’s but with tweaks” is the line of the season so far for me. Read more

True story I started the game on hardcore.  Wasted all my ammo on the first genado.  Got to the village with 4 bullets after some looting.  Spent 15 minutes trying to stealth kill enemies only got one.  Proceeded to run around the village fumbling with ammo, accidently getting hit by the bull on fire, nearly grenaded Read more

I watched Octopus Teacher the other day to prep for this episode and the biggest thing I took from it was how shitty it would be to be a teenager and your dad just wanted to talk to you about this fucking octopus everyday for a year.

I think my only critique of Monkey Grifter is that they give too much away in the Read more