Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed.
Cindy White
Prior to joining The A.V. Club as Associate Editor, Cindy White covered Hollywood for a variety outlets including IGN, Collider, SyFy Channel, The Watercooler, and more.

waiting to see if all these blurry portraits resolve into a single, coherent whole by the end Read more

I wasn’t expecting an anime movie review at The AV Club but I do appreciate it.
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That’s not the real Gamera song and you know it! This is the REAL Gamera theme:

Nice try , that’s EXACTLY what an AI would say! Read more

It’s almost like they have more than one writer working for them! Maybe this one missed the weekly consensus meeting. Read more

Ha, you’re totally right that the WAGs gathering at the funeral was reminiscent of Six.  I didn’t put that together when watching but that’s a fun note. Read more

I liked that ep and I agree with the grade. Summarized: Jade would have been my “A” choice to receive the magic armor, Kit was the “B” choice - thus the “B” grade. She did good though. Hey, maybe they can share. Plus I get the need for the plot and all to give the armor to Kit. They’re trying to rescue Airk, after Read more

The biggest laugh of the episode wasn’t so much the “I hate you door!” line, but Boorman’s follow-up apology... to said door. “I’m sorry. I’m fine. We’re fine.” Read more